WP 8 – SuMo Indicator based Atlas & exploratory mobility scenarios
This WP concerns two different applications of the indicator system, with, on the one hand, the aim to investigate and produce knowledge on the existing state of mobility in the Upper Rhine, and, on the other hand, the more prospective aim to model and evaluate sustainable mobility scenarios for the metropolis of Strasbourg.
1. Mapping and multi-scale visual analysis of existing mobility systems in the Upper Rhine. Based on the calculations of several indicators (produced by the FeLis, University of Freiburg team – WP 4), the ENSAS research team has developed mapping and analytical methods for a territorialized and comparative visualization of mobility in the cities of the Upper Rhine region.
2. Development and modelling of prospective mobility scenarios as a basis for evaluation by the SuMo indicator system. These scenarios are intended to test the functionality of the indicator system as a decision-making support tool and as a basis for evaluating prospective visions for local sustainable mobility policy. They serve as a basis for the simulations of the multi-agent model (developed by the LIVE-UNISTRA/CNRS team – WP 6).
In terms of content, the two workstreams of this WP have laid the foundation for:
1. The SuMo Atlas: transcalar mapping of existing mobility systems (methodology and initial spatializations). The Atlas includes 3 mapping approaches:
- Overview map / Upper Rhine regional scale: 2D maps that provide a global perspective of the current mobility conditions of the “test” cities according to the selected indicators. These maps are complemented by analytical graphs that visually translate the quantitative values.
- Comparative mapping between “test” cities / municipal scale: 2D maps allowing a comparative perspective of the mobility conditions of several test cities according to different indicators.
- Multi-indicator mapping on a “test” city / variable scales (down to neighbourhood/inter-neighbourhood scale): 2D & 3D mapping allowing a cross analysis according to several indicators, several sampling methods and several investigation perimeters (municipal, community, cross-border scales).
2. Exploratory scenarios of sustainable mobility for the Strasbourg metropolis
Two exploratory scenarios present two different visions for mobility in Strasbourg in 2030. The first scenario is oriented towards soft mobility (“Low impact mobility scenario”) and is based on a change of behaviours, values and lifestyles, favouring a return to the local and mobilizing a relatively low investment. The second scenario follows more of an optimization and innovation logic, considering in particular the reinforcement of public transport and its articulation with active mobility, in a search for mobility efficiency (“High performance mobility scenario”).
Results: Brochure of results and research report are available here.

Andreea Grigorovischi
Architect-urban designer, PhD, Associate Professor, Strasbourg National School of Architecture (ENSAS), AMUP Research Unit-IMM Chair,