WP 7 – Application of the indicator system
In work package 7, the indicator system is applied to two planned measures. One is the extension of line 3 from Basel to St. Louis and the other is the support in the development of a municipal mobility concept.
Extending Line 3 from Basel to St. Louis
In the general topic of crossborder mobility in Upper Rhine area, the Basel tram line no 3 is undoubtedly a significant feature. It entered into service in 2017 between Basel city center and Saint-Louis train station with the aim of better integrating the « french suburbs » in the Basel metropolitan area. Indeed, more than 30 000 people commute every day from southern Alsace to Basel for work, 98% of them by car. Several issues are then raised in view of sustainable mobility: is this new service a genuine alternative to car-only commuting in Basel metropolitan area? How far from the border public transport still is a viable option? Can Saint-Louis inhabitants be actually part of the Basel metropolitan operations?
To shed some light on these questions, two different approaches are developed:
- Assessment of crossbording Public Transport services: measures of accessibility from France to Basel employment areas.
- Analysis of accessibility and quality of service (waiting time, number of transfers, etc.) from Saint-Louis to metropolitan operations in Basel: (e.g. accessibility to culture/leisure facilities).
Development of a municipal mobility concept
A process for the development of measures using KINaMo is initiated with the municipality of Lörrach. The work takes place in regular meetings and is intended to support the municipality with difficulties.
Extending Line 3 from Basel to St. Louis
The results consist in
- Dynamic isochrones representing the spaces that can access to the Basel main job providers and university facilities in less than a predetermined cut-off time in public transport.
- Accessibility and quality of services from Saint-Louis (dots representing a 200m*200m grid) to the Basel main museums.
The analysis and mapping of these results is in progress.
Development of a municipal mobility concept
Please find the published results under this link.
Extending Line 3 from Basel to St. Louis

Other involved partners:
Development of a municipal mobility concept

Research associate
Research associate